Hi, I’m Naiyan. Or as some people call me, Nay.

I am an analyst and researcher in the UK government. I have worked on and improved some of the largest surveys carried out in government. If you have heard or read an article about inflation or the economy in the past few years, then it's likely I helped make those statistics. On the side I also have a wider research interests in social media platforms and online communities.

Current projects

Surveys and Official Statistics

Having worked in the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the production of economic national statistics and some of the largest surveys carried out in government I will be outlining some of my experience and takeaways. Such as comparing social and economic surveys, practical tips for carrying out large surveys and common pitfalls, such as naming surveys and considerations when choosing return by dates.

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Reddit research

Working with several North American academics from a number of fields I have published three systematic reviews on the social media platform Reddit. With Nicholas Proferes, Michael Zimmer, Sarah Gilbert and Casey FieslerI have published a systemtic overview of dispclines, approaches, methods and ethics and a deeper dive on ethical considerations in Reddit research. separately with Dr Rebecca Britt from the University of Alabama I have published about trends and challenges with Reddit and health communication research.

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Reflections on the Civil Service

Providing some thoughts on day-to-day activities, career advice, or trivia on the Civil Service. For example, tips on finding a mentor in the Civil Service. What project management qualifications should you take in the Civil Service? Why isn’t there a data science profession, but there is for social researchers, in the Civil Service? And more…

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