New journal article: Remember the Human: A Systematic Review of Ethical Considerations in Reddit Research
A new journal article on research ethics and ethical recommendations to consider when conducting research on Reddit has come out. This builds on an earlier...
Social media
The difference between Netnography and virtual ethnography
1 minute read
Recently another researcher contacted me after reading an old article of mine comparing virtual ethnography, Netnography, & digital sociology from the ...
Key points when using Reddit as a source of data
3 minute read
A list of academic journal articles and resources you should really be citing. Yes, this is for you, random Google searcher. People use data from Reddit a...
A 7-step guide for effective survey recruitment on Reddit
2 minute read
Making surveys can be deceptively easy. Platforms like Google Forms, Surveymonkey and university bought services like, Qualtrics makes surveys cheap, quic...
What type of questions do people ask British politicians in online Q&As? A thematic analysis of MP’s “Ask Me Anything” sessions on Reddit
12 minute read
This blogpost is the first in a two-part series which outlines the result of a study on MP’s social media Q&As sessions. This first post details the them...
Politicians dodging questions? An equivocative analysis of British MPs ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions on Reddit
5 minute read
This blogpost is the second in a two-part series which outlines the result of my dissertation on MP’s online Q&As sessions on social media. The first det...
Research frameworks: comparing Virtual Ethnography, Netnography, & Digital Sociology
6 minute read
Doing research online is paradoxically both easy and hard. The amount of readily available information which can be collected is staggering. From mundane c...
A systematized literature review of Reddit
3 minute read
A couple months back I conducted a sytematized literature review of research on Reddit. The results? I identified 211 academic works on Reddit between 201...
Online political campaigning and biscuits: The case of Mumsnet
4 minute read
Founded in 2000 by Justine Roberts, Mumsnet has become part of the British social landscape. The anonymous forum aims to make parents’ lives easier by pool...
Reddit and academic research
5 minute read
Reddit: The front page of the internet Reddit is a popular social media website founded in 2005. It’s both a discussion and aggregator platform. The websi...